Reply to enquiry received today from Tasmania.
By dianebulley
All good here. We had the hottest day in Hobart on record, but apart from coping with 40 deg.C. we have had no problems. It has been 40 every day. The fires have not been near us.
We just have a garden deprived of water.
And more Wallabies in the garden eating what is left
as there is not much food in the bush due to the dry
21 Jan, 2013
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Everyone seems to be suffering from extreme weather conditions.
I have relations in Tasmania (cousins of my mother) They are quite elderly now and I wonder how they are. Maybe I'll try to contact them.
Nice to know your friends are coping. It must be very difficult for them ...
21 Jan, 2013
The Internet is a wonderful tool when used by the right people. I am so glad I learned to use it.
Cant face the thought of Wallabies coming into my garden eating everything though. Thank goodness we dont have them here !
p.s. Bernieh - the people in Tasmania are friends of my son - we live in England.
21 Jan, 2013
At least they are not kangaroos.....
A part of australia had 45c the other day I read, doesn't bear thinking about.........
21 Jan, 2013
That's really hot. Sad to hear about the fires. I have an Aunt in law in Tasmania too.
21 Jan, 2013
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You've certainly had some stinking hot weather over there. Glad to hear you haven't been affected by the bushfires. Summertime is always such a hard time for so many in this great country of ours.
There are so many of us just wishing and hoping for rain. Up here in the north we've had a very long dry season and can't wait for our wet to arrive.
21 Jan, 2013