Members may remember that old deep vitreous
By dianebulley
enamel sink I tried to make into a pond. It leaked.
As I have this Lumbar Virus and cannot lift things
youngest son was moving large pots into their
summer places in my garden.
I asked him to put the old sink upside down at the
back of my container garden to provide height for
a Box in a large pot.
He put it in position, looked round and said
" Where is the box, I cant see a box."
I pointed to it, and said " Its a shrub called a Box"
Thats what you get when the offspring are obsessed
with football.
(Stupid boy !)
8 May, 2013
Previous post: Extracted from 'Snowball Oranges' by Peter Kerr
Next post: Memorising the Latin names of plants
Nice one Diane,
I had a friend way back in my liverpool teenage days and his chat up line with the girls was that he was a pro boxer,
I was very shy in those days and didnt say a lot,
anyway we we're stood waiting to go into the "Cavern club" and he came out with this chat up line to these two girls infront of us and one turned round and said Oh hi steven,
and then she turned to her friend and said "i know him he works at our place(the chicken factory) and he is what you'd call a pro boxer)
really her friend replied,
Yes he puts the eggs into the box.
I was bestman at their wedding.
What a chat up line.
8 May, 2013
Well, he wasn't lying, was he? Sounds like a Ken Dodd joke. The old ones are the best.
8 May, 2013
Ha ha. These footballers are fortunate we dont bother
them with the whole range of plant names !
9 May, 2013
I've always thought 'box' was a strange name for a plant ...
9 May, 2013
Me too, Hywel. How did it come by that name, I wonder?
9 May, 2013
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I can understand his confusion though if he's not a gardener, he must have wondered which box you meant!lol
8 May, 2013