For those who live alone with limited garden space
By dianebulley
this may prove interesting and enjoyable.
I have 7 raised beds.
One is Raspberry Canes.
One is 4 large tubs containing Blueberry Bushes in Ericaceous compost with E. 6 week fertiliser feeding.
Three are vegetable crops. Pink Onions. Leeks. Potatoes.
Have now decided to make the other two Various 1 and
Various 2.
Using a small amount of seed I should be able to produce small crops in succession throughout the growing season.
In Various 1 today am sowing two rows Mange Tout Peas Oregon Sugar Pod, one row of Orange Beetroot, 2 rows French Beans, and 4 germinated Spinach plants.
Seeds last about 3 years so this is more economical with current prices, I find Tuckers Seeds very good.
I am making 5 ‘T’ labels with these plants marked with unipin permanent lettering. (Pamg told me this one.)
Various 2 will be sown when the over winter Onions are
ripe next month, using the same crops.
With pet litter, horticultural sand, Blood Fish & Bone, and recycled old compost I should create a perfect growing space with economic maximum use watering.
Give it some thought ! Long rows are nice but cost electricity, I gave my chest freezer away. Made me give more thought to efficient production methods and better use of recycled water from the bathroom.
17 Apr, 2015
Previous post: Just reporting in, as promised.
Next post: Recycling old compost produces twice as much as purchased new
Well! It all sounds great. Hope it all works out well for you.
17 Apr, 2015
I have now realised I need to allocate a third raised bed as Various 3, as not enough space, even though sowing just enough seed for a small crop. Next
month will repeat the Various 1 sowing in Various 2 -
wonder if they will catch up given English weather ?
Looking for Brassica plants at the GC tomorrow, as they are usually grown in polytunnels, so will need four weeks to harden off before planting out in Various 3.
My cropping plan will have to be drawn again, as too many alterations. Best to write notes as well.
The great joy has been handling the loamy soil in Various 1 as I grew green manure in it last autumn and dug in, then added the first batch of recycled compost when I made it in a bucket in January. People who have never had sub-standard clay soil left over from footings under a building will not know the excitement all this had caused.
17 Apr, 2015
If anyone would like more information on this system please feel free to contact me via private message.
I am pleased with it now.
See Monty has had raised beds put into his garden, using railway sleepers - must have cost a (BBC) fortune.
18 Apr, 2015
I must try that green manure, my daughter did that when she first moved in about 4yrs ago and always has good results in her veg plot, although she is only at the back of us her ground is lovely to work with whereas we have clay....
20 Apr, 2015
Living in Stamford it is right on your doorstep LL,
Cotswold Farm Supplies, next door to Morrisons - they have Fodder Radish seed which is the best.
I sprinkle it on the ground after removing crops in August,
it germinates whilst the soil is warm, covering any weed growth, saves hoeing. Dig in in November to rot down the rest of the winter.
21 Apr, 2015
Sorry I gave the wrong name from memory.
They seem to have moved.
Its Central Wool Growers, Bourne Rd,
Essendine, Stamford (see website)
My son fetched me £5 of Fodder Radish Seed. It kept well for 3 years in screw top jars. Recommend.
21 Apr, 2015
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You seem to be well sorted Diane, I hope all your crops do well for you.....
17 Apr, 2015