Recycling old compost produces twice as much as purchased new
By dianebulley
- half a pack of compressed wood shavings at pet departments £3.99, plus two handfuls of
Horticultural Sand 1.99, two from a small pack of Blood Fish & Bone £3.99, and 3 buckets of old potting compost in a large box saves all the effort of carrying heavy bags from the car.
Garden soil is only ground up rock. Rotted plant material provides the goodness for future crops.
I am finding the mixture I first did in January has, added
to the Green Manure I sowed in a raised bed last August and dug in in October, produced a lovely workable
and nutritious soil for sowing again now.
It takes 3 or 4 months to rot down. I have a big box full all stirred up, ready to take to another raised bed today.
Jim on ‘Beechgrove Garden’ was very wrong when he said to throw old compost onto the garden.
I have been doing it for years. Now realise the error of my ways. Recycling is best !
20 Apr, 2015
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Diane when I first had my g'house I used growbags and obviously have compost in my pots, trays and baskets, when everything had finished in the autumn I spread my spent compost over the garden, big mistake as it then took me a few years to realise where the weird and wonderful different weeds were coming from in my garden, my used compost now goes in my compost bins first, I have 3 huge ones as well as my mesh for leaves so it is sometimes a full year if not longer before I use it.....
20 Apr, 2015
From experience I would not advise the purchase of a wormery. It was a waste of money for me. The worms did not go up to the next shelf. They went down into the base.
Best to get a good small compost bin, purchase a pack of
Brandling Worms, also known as Red Worms.
Place it near the kitchen door and cover in winter.
Cut up raw kitchen waste. They do not have teeth.
Do not put Onion, Leeks or Lemon/Orange skins into the bin.
In the winter, they go right into the centre of the compost to keep warm. They really do have brains.
I am going to get some compost from the bottom opening soon, to see if they are down there. Its a bit of a nuisance to pick them out from the top layer of compost and put them back in the bin.
21 Apr, 2015
I certainly don't have enough stuff to justify a compost bin - my garden spring cleaning and pruning was less than a small kitchen bucket, and that included the bunch of roses I bought.
If I build a wormery it will be two paint buckets (because they come with lids) sitting inside each other. Holes in the bottom of the inner bucket and a tap on the outer.
They had some waste bins in B&Q a few weeks ago that were ideal size but didn't have lids - and I will be keeping it in my laundry (aka the one-time outside toilet, now leading from the kitchen)
21 Apr, 2015
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Useful if you have a quantity of potting compost left over, or for those who plant up hanging baskets each year.
My only doubt would be that there is so much wood chippings in most composts these days that adding more doesn't really help the structure. I wonder what wormery worms would make of it though - I keep hovering about whether to set up a wormery as I'm not sure that I have enough waste food to keep them happy (and it would seem to defeat the object if I had to deliberately waste food to feed the worms)
20 Apr, 2015