Am looking for a Lavender Plant
By dianebulley
supplier who accepts cheques and posts plants out
as soon as a small order is received that would go through a letter box.
There are many species of Lavender.
Its difficult to find several species in big garden centres.
A small grower who specialises in hybrid varieties would
be suitable.
29 Jun, 2016
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Thank you Jen. Will look into this firm. I just get
annoyed with the ones that want the money on line,
and charge £3.75 per plant p&p. What are we paying for ?
29 Jun, 2016
Sorry, as I used to live about 15-20 mins from them, I have never had to internet shop with them. Thought of them as they have such a big selection of different lavenders but don't know delivery charges. They have won gold's at Chelsea for their plants so used to be on our local telly and radio alot. Like you I hate when get inflated delivery charges. Good luck in your hunt :-)
29 Jun, 2016
ever considered growing them from seed Diane? More choice then perhaps.
I grew a variety called Vera a few years ago and expected it to be a very long, not particualrly successful process, but I was wrong, they all germinated and all but one grew on into nice strong plants and were planted out within a year!
29 Jun, 2016
Thank you Paul. Actually I dont quite understand what
Hybrid Lavender Plants are. Have collected a lot of names.
I am looking for early flowering and late flowering.
Think now if a firm can supply 4 named Hybrid Plants, its worth the extra p&p. I can take cuttings next year, as suggested by Diamuid Gavin Sunday 6.30 a.m. he says these plants have a 12 -15 week flowering season, so its important to get the range of varieties.
Suppliers seem to charge for the time and trouble posting plants out. Dont mind that.
Its the payments on line I cant do.
'Goodwin Creek'
Sawyers Hybrid.
Phenonal hybrid.
Grosso and one.
Lavender Sugarberry (seen this, will go back & get it.)
Seems 'The Princess' is early.
30 Jun, 2016
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Hi, near to where I lived in Kent is a nursery called DOWNDERRY. They only mainly do Lavender and I belive have the national collection there. They are just outside Tonbridge. Just looked at their website and you can order online but there are contact details for them. Hope this helps Jen
29 Jun, 2016