Where have the Bees and Butterflies gone to ?
By dianebulley
Gale force winds I can understand. Now its the heatwave.
Garden full of flowers for them. One Comma so far.
19 Jul, 2016
Previous post: Am looking for a Lavender Plant
Next post: I have entered for Nov. 1st on my calendar ------
Same here with many Bees & Hoverflies, a few Red Admirals, Peacocks & Whites but definitely a lot less than previous years.
19 Jul, 2016
Exactly the opposite in my garden this year. More butterflies this year than usual and more species either. I do not know their names.
19 Jul, 2016
Saw one butterfly yesterday after commenting here that I hadn't seen any. Bumble bees around but haven't seen honey bees.
19 Jul, 2016
I forgot to say.....I've hardly seen a Ladybird this year....too cold in the spring /early summer, no doubt!
19 Jul, 2016
Me too about Ladybirds. Miss them.
The chap who led le Tour for several miles yesterday all
by himself was called Costas. Rest day today, they have
gone out for a ride ! Channel 24 tomorrow at 2 p.m. - on
to the big mountains.
19 Jul, 2016
After my comment this morning, Diane, I have now spotted a Comma too......just put up a photo of him on my verbena Bonariensis this afternoon.
19 Jul, 2016
Hi all. New here today,I was made up this year. I saw 2 harlequin lady birds. But before I noticed them I saw their pupai. Not sure I spelt that right sorry. Amazing things. Seen masses of bees. Only a few cabbages,butterflies and barley a moth. Helped 2 bees by giving them honey. But that's all. Great video of the bee drinking the honey though. Truly amazing.
20 Jul, 2016
Hi Ian.....welcome to GOY. Even the Harlquin ladybirds seem to be avoiding my garden this year, let alone the native species!
20 Jul, 2016
So what is going on ? They all came until the end of
20 Jul, 2016
Maybe the mild winter brought them on early then the cold spring /early summer killed them??
20 Jul, 2016
I have asked a local Tree Warden. He doesnt know,
asking around.
21 Jul, 2016
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Lots of bees and hoverflies in my garden, Diane and a lot of moths too but mainly only cabbage whites and the little blue butterflies. Seen a couple meadow Browns but no others.
19 Jul, 2016