Wandering round the Alpine displays
By dianebulley
at Garden Centres just now, remember there are plants
to search for.
Look for the labels showing Purple or Mauve flowers.
The Bees will like them next May as they are
3 deg. warmer.
Believe me, it happens ! I witnessed it this year.
Am going to make another ‘rockery’ in a spare planter
ready for Spring !
4 Oct, 2016
Previous post: I am happy again today, I want you all to know .........
Next post: If you are over 75, have had pets all your life,
I practise what I preach and today found it difficult to find 9 Alpine plants with Purple or Mauve flowers for my 2017 Bee Friendly Plastic Trough. Most were pink or white.
Some were still in flower which helped.
Have now set them up in the famous Diane Bulley Gerbil compost so I know they will thrive. Cant afford Monty's
concrete creations.
These are :
Sisyrinchium Idahoese ' Rocky Point.'
Sisyrinchium 'E.K.Balls' (Whats this ? Ed Balls is getting himself into everything these days. Steragram will not be pleased.)
Aquilegia alpina ' Mini Star' (Remember how we loved the Mini cars ?)
Prunella ' Grandiflora' bella blue (Its that cat again.)
Thyme ' Lemon Curd' (expect the Hairy Bikers thought of that) its mauve, not lemon at all.
Rhodanthemum 'Marakesh' thats a pink one. Quite nice
Geranium cinereum ' Laurence Flatman' so is he also in Strictly come dancing ?
Androsace ' Ianuginosa' (must be one of the judges)
Platycodon ' Astra Blue' (ah - the R.A.F. Now we know where we are.)
All good fun.
4 Oct, 2016
You are going to have a beautiful trough. Why won't I be pleased please? I didn't know there was an alpine Platycodon.
4 Oct, 2016
Dont know. Just a joke.
5 Oct, 2016
Oh. I'm not a political animal! Anyway I looked him up and this is a different Balls altogether, a plant finder.
If you want any more Sysirynchinums let me know- they spread and I have spare ones.
5 Oct, 2016
Thank you for that information Stera - I have another trough, will keep an eye on Sysirynchium. Some Alpines spread quite easily some stay very quiet.
All plants are that bit warmer in troughs.
Will also keep a list with me when I go to the GC to watch for more Purple, or Mauve Alpines. Cant remember all these names.
The colour/3 deg worked with bigger plants, should be ok with Alpines.
I am just gearing up for those Bees next May !
5 Oct, 2016
Fun Blog Diane....?
are there any alpine campanula?
I like those.....
Hope its a mild winter.....brrrr
5 Oct, 2016
Thank you Pam. Interesting to find plant latin names that
link to Strictly Come Dancing. I never thought Ed Balls would be able to dance ! And our Bella too. Ha ha.
6 Oct, 2016
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