If you are keen to have a better understanding of your garden soil
By dianebulley
its a good idea to log onto the Agricultural Research Council reports. Free information about the area where you live is
worth having.
I know I am on a limestone bedrock about 10" under my substandard clay soil.
Therefore every grain of top soil needs preserving and improving with composted plant material . My Brandling Worms are my treasure. Amazing how they gravitate to the centre of the compost bin when the cold weather starts in November. I shall soon wrap the bin with old fleece to keep them warm for the worst of the winter months.
Fish, Blood and Bone Granules can be purchased during the winter months when you visit a favourite garden centre for a meal. I was pleased to find it in a large plastic bag for £9.99 and measure it out in an old plastic jug.
Giving your soil some thought now will give excellent results next year.
14 Oct, 2016
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They are not garden worms Stera. They are Brandling
Worms, I paid £18 for them. I thought they had died
in the heat wave, but they revived again, it was wonderful.
The hard part it giving them plenty to eat. Using the hoe and leaving weeds lying on the surface does not supply them with enough food for the winter. I plan to remove my Green Manure plants instead of digging them in. Grass
mowings are no good. Shall have to think of something else.
16 Oct, 2016
I agree Diane. Different plants will thrive in different soils.
18 Oct, 2016
Diane, brandling worms are the ones that appear in garden compost on their own - no need to buy them if your heap is standing on the garden soil - they are sold for people who have closed wormeries on hardstanding. My bin is full of them. They don't need any special treatment at all.
18 Oct, 2016
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Oh Diane, I reckon you have the most pampered worms in the whole of the country...
15 Oct, 2016