Someone once said
By dianebulley
’ Intellectuals have the ability to absorb a lot of knowledge
but very little practical experience’ -
Goyers answering questions from their own experience form a valuable part of this site and should not be corrected by those who come under the University banner.
I have always appreciated Tugbretil as he has a good balance of both. Long may he continue to answer our questions, as he does so well.
21 Oct, 2016
Previous post: If you are keen to have a better understanding of your garden soil
Next post: Dwarf Cyclamens indoors.
I know. Perhaps people who answer gardeners' questions should think more carefully before they contradict good advice given by other members.
Or preface their outbursts by ' My humble opinion is...........'
At Sywell Country Park years ago there were Buddleias
that must have been 40 feet high and 50 feet wide.
All flowering happily. Wouldnt be of much use in the average suburban garden.
21 Oct, 2016
Everyone is entitled to give an opinion (humble or otherwise)
and everyone else is entitled to disagree with it.
Just don't sulk when someone disagrees with you. It's childish.
21 Oct, 2016
My advice actually agreed with the people who replied after me. I was not advocating not pruning, just leaving it until March. It can then be done as drastically as you like. I don't understand what you are complaining about. If people have special circumstances such as strong winds they are entitled to do what seems appropriate but strong winds have had no effect on mine which I prune hard every spring. It was not my humble opinion on this occasion,I gave the standard accepted advice which I have followed for years.
21 Oct, 2016
What I object to is remarks like ' Answer the question'
directed to new members.
Its dictatorial.
All p.m.s to me on this subject are deleted unread.
22 Oct, 2016
can I say in my humble opinion not all uni graduates contradict comments. I am a graduate botanists and know from my own experience that plants don't do what the books say they should do. I have been subject to quite a few nasty comments over the years, some so extreme that they have been flagged by myself and others supporting me.
I don't know who has been so upset that they have left the site but there are times when a question will be posed time and time again. in the hopes of getting the answer they want I assume.
I regularly learn from this site and apparently I am blessed with common sense and good practical skills. Perhaps I am not some much of an intellectual after all :o)
24 Oct, 2016
Oh gosh don't fully understand what really has set this off, had laptop malfunctions so not been around much for a while, I'm still trying to catch up on everything.
I'm sorry Diane but I think you yourself could have worded this better, I know many intellectuals who have practical ability and plenty of commonsense, I also know some who are what I would laughingly say have their blonde heads on, no insult meant to any blondes reading this comment, its a saying I have used all my adult life, usually to my friends and family when they have done something silly and know they have...
24 Oct, 2016
Sbg its hard to understand why anybody would send you a nasty comment. I'm always impressed by how much you know and its always interesting.Lets hope that is all water under the bridge now.
24 Oct, 2016
Nice to see you Stera, are you feeling ok now, yes Seaburn has been through the mill in the past as have others in their time, have you noticed its always when the darker nights are here, I reckon people get fedup and bored....
24 Oct, 2016
Recent posts by dianebulley
- This is not about gardening, but may help youngsters
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- Am re-reading my classics. ( Kon-Tiki Expedition.) (Quote)
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- The days are long and dark at this time of year
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- I know I have said this before...........
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- Has anyone news of Waddy ?
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- I have started a winter project - ' Flint Tools'.
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Sent you a PM Diane.
21 Oct, 2016