Still harping on about plant positions indoors
By dianebulley
this time of year. Thanks to Goy members I now have my plants in the right places. It should not be like this.
I have bought 5 new Blueberries.
All different varieties.
All had the same identical label. Early, mid- summer and late fruiting, it doesnt matter to growers.
The same information could not apply to 5 different varieties coming to fruit at different times during the summer. No mention of standing each tub in 1" of water
in the hot weather.
This is how the growers treat us. As long as they sell plants they dont care. I care about plants.
Indoor plants, as members have answered on my
Poinsietta blog, all have different needs at this time of the year. Different light levels. Different positions in the house. Room temperature 16 deg.C to 21 deg.C.
Even in gardening books different information is given for different plants, as we all know.
How much money is wasted every year on Poinsietta’s that are dead by the end of January ? If they are grown as bedding plants in Spain, a centrally heated flat in UK
should be alright for one.
The journey in frosty weather across France in the back of a cold lorry would give them a nasty shock. Then taken from the supermarket in the cold weather, left in the cold until given as a gift. They react badly, never recover.
Thats my theory anyway.
9 Dec, 2016
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Hi Diane, you're quite right, a lot of money is wasted on these plants, {not by me, I never buy any, } they were never a part of Christmas when I was a child, and have nothing to do with Christmas, but like most things these days, have become very commercialised, and the general public have allowed it to happen.
When I was a child , we were allowed to stay up on new years eve, so that we could hear the church bells chiming in the new year, all you can hear on new years eve, from very early on in the evening, is fireworks, which again have nothing to do with new years eve, just commercialism, oh for the good old days ehh, Derek.
9 Dec, 2016
I am having Thanksgiving this year instead of Christmas.
Thinking of all the things I need to give thanks for takes up a lot of time, but is very therapeutic.
Goy is an important one.
10 Dec, 2016
More thinking. From where they were loaded in Spain, onto an unheated lorry possibly towing an unheated trailer , there would have been at least two overnight truck stops coming across France to comply with the law. Two nights at - O deg.C temperatures.
Then possibly another overnight truck stop in UK.
Then on arrival at the Northamptonshire supermarket they were drenched in cold water from a freezing cold hosepipe by a non-gardening shop assistant.
I have decided to inform my M.P. about all this, and ask if he can contact the appropriate Govt. Dept to ask for this traffic to be stopped.
10 Dec, 2016
I agree with you Diane. I love indoor plants but I am wary of where I buy them. I've seen tender tropical plants put to stand otside shops and garages in frosty weather, and people will buy them, only to be disapointed in a few days time.
And I also think we (ie most people) need to give thanks and be grateful for what we've got, instead of moaning about what we haven't got.
I am going to give a good friend a plant for Christmas. She loves the garden and there would be no point in giving her some of the rediculous things they have as 'gifts' in some shops.
10 Dec, 2016
That's unfortunate - growers like that don't last long over here where information is power. Having a working knowledge of your business is key to success. I wonder how many plants never make it out the door.
10 Dec, 2016
Well I like Poinsettias though an Indian friend used to shake her head at them and say "They are weeds!".
I buy small sad ones for Christmas as by June the following year they are MASSIVE plants. They seem to like our South-facing window.
Our ex-evacuee makes us laugh. She does not have a clue about plants; buys them from Morrisons and puts them outside on a balcony. She then phones to ask for help but it isn't easy when all she knows about the plant is that it is green and has leaves!! In her favour this is usually when she has had them for a while so maybe she is doing something right.
11 Dec, 2016
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I agree, Diane.....the Poisettias are very often 'damaged' before we get them into our houses.
Mind you, they way the te,perturbed are here at the moment, you could leave them outside during the day!
9 Dec, 2016