Water soluble crayons are available to buy singly at Art Shops.
By dianebulley
I started collecting them last winter. Now realise they can give much pleasure whilst sitting in the garden in the fine weather.
They should not be dipped in water. as some shop assistants say. When the colouring is finished, a damp water colour brush is just wiped over the coloured part of your sketch and left to dry.
Young plants, groups of leaves, rocks, small things
can be easily sketched with pencil onto cartridge paper
which is available to buy white or pastel colours.
Then coloured with your water soluble crayons.
Larger sheets cut smaller, can be held in place on a board with a bulldog clip.
The crayons should be sharpened to a point, with hand held sharpeners, (ask at the checkout) then the point finished off with an old nail file, in colour ‘blocks’ so that the colours do not become mixed.
Then the file scrubbed clean ready for next time.
The finished personal colour sketch can be used for note
cards, birthday cards, or saved for an album of your work, your garden and Summer 2017.
27 May, 2017
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Are you planning to show us some of your work Diane?
27 May, 2017
No. I dont have that kind of telephone. Enough trouble with a hacker using my phone line to send 104 calls at my expense in the last 6 weeks. My new telephone number is secret. Not even my family know it.
Am not interested in fancy electronic gadgets.
My oil paintings are hanging on my living room wall, have been for years.
Need more grey range water soluble crayons for shadows.
Back to the Art Shop, yippee !
Terracotta is difficult to mix, will take a flower pot to try to get it in a pencil ready made.
28 May, 2017
I put this blog in because its something different that members can do in the garden other than work.
It was not my intention to boast of what I can do.
Its much easier than using oil paints or water colours.
All good fun.
29 May, 2017
Nobody would think you were boasting Diane! I just thought you maybe had a camera. I don't have a fancy phone either.
It sounds like a great hobby but I don't think I could produce anything worth looking at no matter how hard I tried! It must be great to be able to produce something beautiful.
I was so sorry to hear about your hacker - what a horrible thing to happen.
Did you know that when you phone somebody they can discover your number if they dial 1471 when you put the phone down?
29 May, 2017
If you dial 141 before dialling a number I believe your number cannot be traced ... heard that somewhere but cannot recall where!
29 May, 2017
I dont phone anybody as I am deaf, even with an amplified phone I cannot hear what they are saying.
I didnt spot the 23 calls made last month on the bill,
but the 104 woke me up !
I have now changed my number. The new number is strictly secret. I have bought a new phone, just if I need to phone 101 in an emergency. The wall plug will not be put in for a month. The bill for the line and Broadband is due
on the 18th June. Then I will see if any calls have been made on my line. If there are the hacker will be a BT employee.
Then will follow a 45 minute wait for a helpline connection to India to tell them as they dont read or take any notice of anything that is written. Only on cheques.
I was told the money I paid for the calls on the reminder will not be refunded because I queried it on the first bill.
30 May, 2017
I think it was John Constable whose sketch books were full of cloud studies.
He didnt paint skies from memory. He was always looking for cloud characteristics, and recording them for later use.
We can learn from him.
I have taken a spare sketch book and some pencils into the greenhouse.
Will not be sitting looking at pretty coloured flowers this summer, I will be emulating the great man.
Sketching cloud studies.
30 May, 2017
I was pleased to find Kraft A4 buff coloured ribbed sketching paper in the art shop this morning. It will give
character to leaf drawings when fixed on a clip board.
Also water soluble crayons on offer 2 for one.
Got 2 shades of Terracotta for plant pots, and 3 shades of
green for more leaves.
Then I forgot the greys............oh dear. Next time!
31 May, 2017
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Thank you Diane for how to use the pencils also this idea I have some water colour pencils .
27 May, 2017