I just picked another large bunch of Parsley
By dianebulley
and dropped it into the freezer tray. The other one seems
to be ok. Have never done this before.
I like having chopped fresh Parsley on my meals.
Very nutritious.
8 Jun, 2018
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Ha ha. The Hairy Bikers both dislike Marmalade !
8 Jun, 2018
Ha ha, I don't mind marmalade but don't like the bits lol. I always thought I wasn't too fussy eater but now thinking of all that I don't like,
Parsley, marmite, parsnips, offal, fresh tomatoes, and I don't like to eat fresh onions as I can taste them for the rest of the day. So maybe I am fussy after all. ?
8 Jun, 2018
I have been chopping fresh herbs and freezing them in ice cube trays for years. they do really well and so easy to pop a cube out when needed in stews, pasta etc.
8 Jun, 2018
An old neighbour used to bring me bunches of sweet peas and parsley. Ours struggled; his grew profusely. An old saying states that where parsley flourishes the woman wears the trousers. Not true in my neighbour`s case: he was the Boss!
Parsley is a diuretic, I believe: good for you. Love parsley sauce with ham.
9 Jun, 2018
I do mine like SBG works well. It is also rich in vitamins A & C and high in beta-carotene. As a natural diuretic it can be taken as a tea.
10 Jun, 2018
Thats interesting ! I didnt know about the beta-carotene.
Have had fresh shredded steamed carrot for a year and my cataract is no worse. In fact it seems improved. Will be interesting to ask the optician when I go for an eye test.
Think I will do a tray of cubes like SBG as an extra, they dont take up much space. Thank you everyone for your comments.
11 Jun, 2018
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Will be interesting to hear how it works out. Unfortunately I can't stand the taste of parsley.
8 Jun, 2018