dot345 in trouble yet again i got up early and went to see my cockatiels on way back...
1 reply
26 Aug, 2011 Dot345
chickweed is driving me mad it has taken over all my tubs and i planted a small square...
4 replies
24 Aug, 2011 Dot345
i think i described plant wrong before it has leaves right down stem and has grown...
8 replies
22 Aug, 2011 Dot345
cannot find out how to put my pictures on am new to a computer haelp please thanking...
5 replies
20 Aug, 2011 Dot345
i want to log off
3 replies
19 Aug, 2011 Dot345
I have asked this twice but no reply all birds even nesting magpie left garden plent...
9 replies
all wild birds have suddenly gone from garden there is plenty food peanuts fatballs...
2 replies
all birds have gone from garden there is plenty of wild bird food out even a nesting...