Starting to panic
By ducky
Its August already and that means less than a month until our village open gardens – my garden is looking far worse than it has for months due to the weather.
I havnt got on at all with prepping and planting the new area by the end deck which now looks like the somme and is still covered in rubbish that ‘just needs a bit of a sort out’
I havnt got on with re-building the chicken pen (also somme like)
The lawn is a jungle, the veg patch has gone from needing moisture to bolting due to excess damp (and it is also totally slug infested – I even have slugs climbing up my beans as I found out when one fell on my head)
I need more time and better weather!!!!
5 Aug, 2009
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Hi Ducky,
Cutting the grass made a huge difference to our 'work in progress' garden, it looks almost tidy now. Work on the chicken run and put beer out for the slugs and pray for rain!
Good luck!
5 Aug, 2009
Maybe you could describe it as a 'before' garden and visitors can come back next year and see the 'after' version! Seriously, Everyone knows how bad the weather has been and will take that in to account when viewing. As Penkate says, just cutting the grass makes a huge difference to the look of the whole garden as well as the grass. Our front 'lawn' is 80% moss and weeds but still looks quite good when cut and edges trimmed. It's amazing how much you can achieve if you can get on with it and maybe....just maybe we are going to get some respite from the rain. Good luck
5 Aug, 2009
I have a saying that goes with just about anything
if in doubt, chuck it out!!
works wonders
cut the grass as someone has already said, it immediatly helps things seem tidier
trimmed edges are always a god send, helps yo see clearer
all in all
dont panic
x x x
5 Aug, 2009
Take conselation that every one else in the village has had the same weather as you and that you are all in the same boat (although I hope it is not quite as bad as that!).
Everything will be all right on the day.
5 Aug, 2009
Such a shame Ducky, but as everyone else is saying you can only do your best........... and go out for the day so no one can see you. :~((
5 Aug, 2009
can I say going round anyones garden is always a privelege and if it is still work in progres just say so and most people will talk about what you plan to do rather than criticising it. I am always graeful that people open their gardens, so stop worrying and well done.
5 Aug, 2009
Don't panic Ducky! You've loads of time yet...have a quick tidy up, give everything a good feed and a "deadhead", and if all else fails, nip to the garden centre and buy something pretty and colourful to fill any gaps! Best of luck, and hope the weather is kind to you :)
5 Aug, 2009
Ducky - my garden is open this weekend and if it's any consolation to you, I have a leaking pond and a new piece of garden that is completely bare. I plan to put up two notices, one to apologise for the state of the pond )and explain the leak) and the other to invite people back next year to see the new piece of garden.
Good luck with your opening.
5 Aug, 2009
Good luck. I think we might have a few nice days yet so you'll be able to catch up with what needs doing. It will be fine - you'll see.
6 Aug, 2009
Thanks Guys, You always make me feel better.
The organiser came round last night to check out what he can write in the 'programme' he didnt seem too concerned.
He has even asked us if we will have a small 'stall' selling hair accessories that have been donated by a local shop that was closing down.
Never mind
1. we have a great view
2. I can put out duck food so visitors can feed the ducks
3. The chickens are usually amusing
4. we could host a slug catching competition!
5. The proceeds all go to the church so every little helps.
I do think I will go with the notice idea though (thanks Andrew) - perhaps put up a plan of what is intended - 'the Vision' at least it will be a talking point. Im sure Hywel is right - the weather will perk up a bit, if not Bulbaholics boat idea may come into its own after all!!
7 Aug, 2009
So pleased you have come round to a plan of action, It sounds like a very good day of activities and the 'vision' will be a great talking point. Finger crossed and good luck, I hope you raise loads for your church :~))
7 Aug, 2009
Re idea number 4 - give a prize to the child that catches the most slugs for you :-)
7 Aug, 2009
Good idea Andrew - maybe a bag of 'jelly worms'!!!
10 Aug, 2009
Re: the two 'problems' when I opened my garden yesterday
I put up two signs as suggested by the County Organiser
The pond leaking - no-one even mentioned it
New area - lots of interested enquiries about what I am planning to do with it
So I got away with it - phew!
10 Aug, 2009
Im so glad that it went well for you Andrew.
11 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by ducky
- I survived.
4 Sep, 2009
- Aggh Aggh Aghhhhhh!
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- Decks, Ducks and Dotty.
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- Floody Heck!!!!!
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- The Beaky Blog continues
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- Beaky Update.
26 May, 2009
Oh dear Ducky... maybe you can opt out this year or they will cancel due to bad weather. There is nothing worse than knowing your garden is going to be open and not being able to get it up to scratch.
5 Aug, 2009