Elmfieldtrym's Profile

About me
Hi, Both my wife and i were born a couple of years after the second world war, so we both had good training by our parents in gardening, As most people in the 1950's with gardens made good use of them for vegetables and for keeping poultry, Now in our senior years we both still love our garden but i must admit we do find it difficult sometimes with the large garden that we have, We have very few vegetables nowadays but enjoy our flower borders, We plan to down size within the next few years but still have a smaller garden, Our user name is Elmfield where we live and Trym the river running through the village near to our home. Hi, the year 2012 November, No longer living at Elmfield, Retired and moved on, New challenges and a new garden to work on, Will post some photo's next year, A small garden but we are sure we can improve on what is there now, Which is more or less nothing, Looking forward to a new challenge, Have added a Conservatory, Workshop, and a Patio, Still there is a little room left for the planting of mainly flowers.
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Joined in Feb 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Avon