Franco3588's Profile

About me
Big difference living in China and living in U.S. Not much gardening space, no "private houses" , so this year I've decided to start a container herb garden on my balcony! Mostly because I can't get the herbs I use for cooking - basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley, (can you tell I'm Italian?) and waiting for more seeds to come from my daughter in U.S. Growing some chili peppers too. Now that I'm having good success, although my "garden" is just 2 months old, I'm already using the herbs, especially the basil! Great location, get the sun almost all day and no winter to speak of (I'm in Guangzhou or "Canton"). So I'm waiting on the seeds now and grow a full variety of herbs. They just don't sell/use them here. If you do find any dried herbs, they're ridiculously expensive.
I'll post pictures soon as plants get bigger. I just planted some ginger today!!!
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Joined in Jul 2010
Country: China
County/State: Guangzhou