The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Gardengnome's Garden

Coleus (Wizard Mix)

Genus: Solenostemon.

Species: Solenostemon scutellarioides.

This plant is native to the tropics and grown for brilliantly colored leaves; blue flower spikes are attractive but spoil the shape of plant and are best pinched out in bud. Leaves may be 3-6 inches long in large-leafed strains. They grow 1 to 2 feet tall. Colors include green, chartreuse, yellow, buff, salmon, orange, red, purple, brown, often with many colors on one leaf. Needs rich, loose, well-drained soil, warmth. Feed regularly with high-nitrogen fertilizer. Pinch stems often to encourage branching and compact habit; remove flower buds to ensure vigorous growth. Planted under pine tree 2007 can't remember what month.

Photos of this plant

  • Growsonyou_photoes044
  • Pict0043