Greenthumb's Garden
Orchid Lady of the Night
Genus: Brassavola.
Species: Brassavola nodosa.
An orchid very simple to manage and less demanding so a great starter. I have it growing in a small plastic orchid pot and bark set inside a small glass vase with pebbles at the bottom. It gets pretty good light and I believe that is required as well as good warmth. A dry spell when new psuedobulbs develop finishes their maturity, and sets the blooms. I get blooms after forgetting it! The flowers are a slight fragrance that only occurs in darkness. Each psuedobulb is just a new stem with one long leaf. It has been standing upright for me but as it gets larger, it tends to hang a bit, so would be ideal in a hanging basket, although in indoor conditions like mine the pebble tray, at least, is required for humidity. Very rewarding and unusual.