The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Ualda's Garden

Raoulia australis

Genus: Raoulia.

Species: Raoulia australis.

I bought it at Shannon' garden centre (2010).
I planted it in the slope of my little rockery corner.
+ some in the pot with the little pine.

Height: 2cm / 1" Spread: 30 cm / 12"

Flowering time is from early to late summer.

Raucola likes a moist but well drained gritty soil.

To propagate divide it from early March to May.
Or detach small rooted portions from the edge of the parent plant in mid-summer and pot in gritty compost in a cool shady spot, and keep it in a cold greenhouse in winter.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due about 15 years ago:


To propagate divide it from early March to May.

Due over 14 years ago:


Detach small rooted portions from the edge of the parent plant and pot in gritty compost in a cool shady spot, and keep it in a cold greenhouse in winter.

Due almost 14 years ago:


To propagate divide it from early March to May.

Due over 13 years ago:


Or detach small rooted portions from the edge of the parent plant in mid-summer and pot in gritty compost in a cool shady spot, and keep it in a cold greenhouse in winter.