The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Cestrian's Garden

Hemerocallis lacy doily

Genus: Hemerocallis.

Species: Hemerocallis.

lacy doily is a really beautiful lily.ruffled,coral double,flushed with primrose yellow . Its flowers are 5" and it grows up to 24" in height. It is a semi-evergreen variety flowering in May/June and it will re-bloom.

Once the plant has completely finished flowering, cut the foliage and stems down to the ground and it will send up fresh foliage. They should be lifted and divided every two years in early Spring, after which they appreciate a mulch of well-rotted manure around the base of the plant. They really do like a lot of water but will tolerate a dry spell. They are extremely easy and robust and a wonderful addition to the border or in an area of their own. We have them throughout the garden in all the borders and the fresh foliage is really lovely in Spring followed by these wonderfully exotic flowers in summer.

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