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Tommymoo's Garden

Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei / Windmill Palm)

Genus: Trachycarpus.

Species: Trachycarpus fortunei.

1)Inherited big/tall ones in the forest

2)1 Feb 2012, 2 x tall-ish ones, about 70cm x @12.50 (50% off), from Amulree Exotics, The Turnpike, Norwich Road, Fundenhall, Norfolk NR16 1EL

3)16 Mar 2012, 1 x 18cm pot. Was 4.99 reduced to clear at GBP 1.49. Cherry Lane Garden Centre -- !!!! This died !!!

4)End/March 2013, from Will Giles (Exotic Garden), 3 little seedlings about 26cm tall (the tallest one; other 2 are a bit smaller than this)

Photos of this plant