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Geranium_gem's Garden

Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea'

Genus: Hakonechloa.

Species: Hakonechloa macra.

RHS: Hakonechloa is a deciduous perennial grass forming a compact tuft of arching stems bearing linear leaves, with arching flower panicles in late sumer and autumn.
'Alboaurea' is an elegant deciduous grass with arching stems to 25cm tall, bearing narrow leaves striped with creamy-white and yellow, often turning reddish in autumn, and insignificant pale green flowers in late summer.


Bought 2011 from Crowders.

Common names: Golden Hakon Grass / Golden Japanese Forest Grass.

Height and spread: 25-35cm x 30-40cm.

Prefes moist but well-drained soil, will tolerate most soil types.

Full sun or partial shade.

Pruning: Cut back dead leaves in winter or early spring.

Propagate by division in mid Spring.

Don't confuse with: Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' AGM (Golden Hakonechloa): 'Aureola' is a neat, clump-forming deciduous grass to 30cm, with narrow, arching, green-striped, bright yellow leaves, often reddish-tinged in autumn and early winter. Flowers insignificant.

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