Bushbernie's Garden
Genus: Dianthus.
Species: Dianthus.
Dianthus (Dianthus spp.) also known as 'Pinks' is a hardy evergreen perennial. It is part of the Caryophyllaceae or carnation family and is native to Northern Europe.
There are around 300 species in the genus which are separated into two groups: annual bedding Dianthus and perennial Dianthus.
Most form a clumping habit with narrow lance shaped, grey green foliage. During Spring to early Summer flowers are held aloft on wiry stems each with a single flower head. The flowers have frilly edge petals and most varieties have a spiced scent. The flower colours range from white, pink, red and mauve.
Climate: sub-tropical to cold temperate; tolerates cold nights; susceptible to fungal diseases in high humidity.
Soil: not fussy, but does prefer good drainage; pH 7–7.5 (slightly alkaline) preferred.
Position: full sun to light shade.
Flowering: single to double blooms, from white to deep mauve and bright red; similar to carnations.
Feeding: use a long-term controlled-release fertiliser as directed on the label.
Watering: water regularly, especially during hot weather.