The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Hebe Emerald Gem (Vistabile|)

Genus: Hebe.

Species: Hebe.

Planted 05.08 Vistabile rockery house end

Bought 05.08 Malvern Spring Flower Show

Common Names include Hebe Emerald Green, Hebe Green Globe, Hebe Emerald Dome, Hebe mackenii, Hebe McKean, Hebe Milmont Emerald

Hebe ‘Emerald Green’ forms a tight dome of minute, green foliage. It reaches about 12 in (30 cm) high, and the same across. It does not flower.
This evergreen shrub is a hybrid between a small leaved hebe, and a whipcord hebe.

Hardiness: hardy

Exposure: sun or partial shade

Soil: any moist but well drained soil

Flowers: none

Height: 30cm
Spread 30cm

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