By gardendotty
Everyone has really great gardens that show a lot of effort has gone into them. I enjoy browing through the photos to see if I can pick up any ideas to use. And the pets and family ‘portraits’ look good too, thanks to everyone for sharing them. There’s been so much interesting stuff on here to keep me occupied that my Facebook friends will think I’ve abandoned them. I havnt even watched TV for 3 nights!! That’s a record for me.
15 Jul, 2009
Previous post: RE: UNKNOWN PLANT
Next post: MY NEWLY ADDED PHOTOS 16.7.2009
Me too Gardendotty...& I keep going to bed later which is not good!! :0)
15 Jul, 2009
I deleted my Facebook account on account of it not being used once since I found GoY. Let me tell you this site is the only one you will ever need! :~)) Its got everything, Humour, Family life, social networking, great chat and there's even some Gardening LOL.
TV? TV? I remember that, isn't it something to do with that box that sits in the corner? The one you pay a fortune for and is never switched on? :~)))
And if Mookins says anything about me being crazy or crackers then............she's probably right :~)))
16 Jul, 2009
he is completely cukoo hehe
ive just realised from reading my other comment how many times ive eaten curry this week!!
And itd my fatherin laws birthday tomorrow will probably have curry at the restaurant too!!
x x x
17 Jul, 2009
Your not.........Craving? are you Mookins?
Just wondered...............
Cookoo, cookoo, cookoo LOL
17 Jul, 2009
x x x
17 Jul, 2009
Got ya though.......................
17 Jul, 2009
Yes Dotty this Goy site is truly fascinating. Everyone is so polite and encouraging and quick to answer queries. I have never used Facebook. More used to going on newspaper sites and airing my views A lot of that is very serious stuff. So lovely to come on here to GOY and find such lovely people from all over the world. We had a feral uneutered Tom living under a covered table and pinching our Henry's catfood. It was quite some time before I realised, when there was a cat fight. Hens caught him at it. A big punchup in the kitchen. A neighbour thought he was our cat. Took him in. He later emigrated to Valencia when they retired.
18 Jul, 2009
Recent posts by gardendotty
29 Jul, 2009
- second try with a few of the doll house pics.
29 Jul, 2009
- Passion flower
28 Jul, 2009
28 Jul, 2009
27 Jul, 2009
27 Jul, 2009
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18 Jun, 2009
aah facebook... those where the days
havent been on mine since I was pregnant, my daughter nearly 3 now
My daughter,gardening and GOY now take up all my time
but if any of my old facebook friends are on here
My status is: Mookins really shouldnt of had that extra curry helping last night!!
now going to see your pictures if you have any up
x x x
15 Jul, 2009