state of garden after holiday
By gardener08
We have just returned from 10 days away from our garden and it is in a sorry state. Despite being watered (once) by a well meaning relative, it is not very happy. Worst hit was a lace top hydrangea recently purchased, and still in a large pot. Other casualties included nemesia pluglets delivered whilst we were away and tended by a neighbour who is not a gardener. Frank was absolutely gutted, as only men can be!!!! I am trying to be optomistic about it as I find most plants do their best to survive. I suggested talking to them but I don’t think that will work. Still, it has given us a new challenge.!!!!
19 May, 2010
yes hywel we do get gutted too :o)
many plants will recover g8 so fingers crossed.
19 May, 2010
Hywel shame on you!!!!!, if anything us women are MORE human lol gardener08 I feel gutted for you I am so sorry this has happened. I am sure mother nature will help you out and not let your plants die. Fingers crossed
19 May, 2010
I`m sure that now you are home the plants will respond to a little TLC.
19 May, 2010
You'd be surprised how 'dead' things can look & then they bounce back! Now you're back I'm sure they feel better. :o)
19 May, 2010
I'm sure women are able to feel gutted aswell - they are human after all (Well I think they are anyway)
I hope you can get your garden back to normal very soon.
19 May, 2010