Great's Profile

About me
I am 50 years old but I don't look it or feel it!!!.I am trying to grow vegetables seriously and trying to be self sufficient where food is concerned. If I had more garden space and the knowledge I would love to keep chickens! I get very confused with the books advise on where to grow groups of veg. I came across this web site and thought at last; ask the people who are growing their own veg for common sense advice!. I live in london and have children. So far I have only be able to entice one of them into the garden to help me but I am working on the others lol
My garden is about 15 metres long and only 4.5 metres wide. In fact it looks more like a corridor!!
I have made my very first pond out of an old tin bath found in the garden. This will be for wildlife, so no fish
So any hints or tips gratefully recieved.
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Joined in Mar 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: London