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My Garden


By Marion1

My Garden

Comments on this photo


How long did it take Marion and did you design it?

6 Jul, 2012


Hi Denise,

It did not take him long really, it was just a mass of concrete!! My OH built the walls in about a week and then the decking took another week, so I would say in total with fencing etc about a month. Yes I designed it, there was not a lot really that we could do as its so small and we did not want to spend months getting the concrete up but it really is low maintanence, my only problem is that I keep seeing beautiful plants that I cant have and I would love a modern sunken pond with water lilies and one of those mirrored water feature but there is no room at the inn :)

6 Jul, 2012


Thats very quick, I didnt realise it was small, you certainly have made the most of the space. Where the trellis is on this picture, I could imagine that as a modern water fall in to a very large shallow bowl of stone so or glass? It would give the look and sound of water. We never have enough room for all the plants e come across do we.

7 Jul, 2012


Yes that does sound like a good idea Denise, I will have to have a word with hubby on that idea.... The only thing is that next to the trellis is our way in and out of the garden so I would have to see what size we could do but I will definitely consider.

7 Jul, 2012


Watch this space lol

7 Jul, 2012

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This photo is of "My Garden" in Marion1's garden

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