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IMG 0906

IMG 0906

Comments on this photo


I do like the way you have your vivid campanula planted up! Very pretty.
You look like you've a lot of potting up to keep you busy! Luckily you've seating right at hand there!
What sorts of things do you grow in your pots?

26 Jun, 2021


Thanks I'm allways busy in the garden potting up all day every day, I love propagating cuttings so I have tons of potting to do, I try to grow every plant and shrub in a pot just to see if I can, I've got hebes, buddleia,cotoneasters,yukkas, cordyline,box,broom,chrysanthemums,hydrangea,gorse,lupins, foxgloves, diacia, primroses, coreopsis, gazanias,poppies,veronica spiked speedwell,ceanothus,plumbago, lillies,monbrecia,dahlias, can't think what else but lots of stuff, anything that grows really lol

26 Jun, 2021

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