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down the path
By Spritzhenry
- 25 Jun, 2007
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Justvera - that's one reason why I choose June dates for the open days. :-).
21 Jan, 2010
Stunning, just Stunning!!!
23 Mar, 2010
Dorset Lady - thank you. Are you having a stroll round my garden? You're very welcome. :-))
23 Mar, 2010
Thank you Spritz, yes I am lol. It's very nice & giving me lots of ideas as i'm a complete novice lol.
25 Mar, 2010
You're not that far away - maybe you could come up on one of the open days and see for yourself! :-))
25 Mar, 2010
Thank you, I would love to. I am near Crewkerne, I don't know how far that is from you? Your garden looks so lovely, it would be nice to actually see it. Mine is so bare. I have a lot of planting to do, which means lots of plant shopping :) my favourite hobby (not my Husband's though lol).
25 Mar, 2010
I've just asked my husband, and he reckons you are only about an hour away from us! The open days this year are Thursdays June 3rd and 10th, from 2 - 5.30. You'd be very welcome. I'm hoping that other GOY-ers will be here - I met 7 last year! :-)))
It's funny you should say that your husband doesn't like plant shopping - neither does mine! His role in the garden is grass-cutting and the occasional use of a pick-axe when I hit a large lump of stone when I'm digging...he's good at that! lol.
25 Mar, 2010
Lol, my Husband's just the same lol. I'll note the dates in the calendar, & hope to come on one of them. Is their an entry fee?
25 Mar, 2010
Yes, because it's open for charity under the NGS (Yellow Book). There will be teas and a plant stall, though! :-))
26 Mar, 2010
Oooh, lots more plants to buy lol. Sounds good, can't wait. :-)
26 Mar, 2010
I've just potted up some Doronicums, and I have Polemoniums ready. That's a good start, but my friend runs the plant stall!
26 Mar, 2010
Thank, Rosepetal. This is the view that visitors get when they come in the gate. :-))) (Only in June - July, of course! LOL)
22 Sep, 2010
I don't suppose it would take you too long from Dorset, Rosepetal! :-))
23 Sep, 2010
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Those roses look wonderful
21 Jan, 2010