Justvera's Profile

About me
Growing everything and loving it
Started gardening a bit late in life.Early years running a restaurant and bringing up three children.
Now 81 years old,and prefer keeping fit by growing anything and everything.The last ten years I have spent building my garden,and slowly the veg and fruit have become more interesting to me than the flowers. I dug a fish pond about six years ago and that is doing well although getting a bit overcrowded with the youngsters being born each year.
Updating my profile to thank all who have helped with various problems over the last two years.,and to add that I now have introduced a beehive to my garden ,which will be looked after by my daughter who has three of them in her own garden.They come and go until dusk,have not bothered me in any way ( no stings or problems ),and It must be great for my vegetables and flowers,and also it should help the gardens in the area.
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Joined in Jul 2007
Country: United Kingdom
County: Worcester