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flooded pond again last summer
By Rachelsmum

3 Nov, 2009
goldfish all over the lawn!
It happens a few times a year these days (the Jet Stream is too far south apparently)
I wish we could send some of the water to our friends in the east!
Note the bamboo - plieoblastus vriegatus - VERY RAMPANT !!
It is now causing us some problems
Comments on this photo
I bet you were relieved!
Well we rescued the larger fish, but I guess any babies would have been lost :.(
3 Nov, 2009
Good grief! thats a lot of rain to fill up and flood the pond.
3 Nov, 2009
It's a shame, but there's not much you can do about it I suppose.
3 Nov, 2009
What a nightmare. The poor fish.
Would it be too mammoth a task to build raised sides to the pond?
4 Nov, 2009
Hi Pipsqueak,
I guess it could be done - will have to suggest it to the "Pondkeeper!"
he has rigged up some chicken wire to stop the larger fish from escaping.
It goes down in a matter of hours usually
4 Nov, 2009
Crikey , did you manage to save all the fish. That must be a real worry if it happens so often!
5 Nov, 2009
The problem is water running off the playing fields behind our garden. The pond is in the area of a garden swimming pool from years ago and we suspect that they may have filled up the pool without breaking it up first!
We manage to stop the larger fish from escaping but not the babies of course
5 Nov, 2009
Oh crikey, so the water stays trapped in the pool area.One of my customers(I do gardening for my job) had a huge swimming pool which they no longer use and they were looking at filling it up and various 'harebrained' schemes, but fortunately they eventually decided to break it up and then fill with rubble and sand.They are now waiting for it to settle before turfing and having a patio built next year. Shame about the baby fish!
6 Nov, 2009
Well we hope some are remaining. There seem to be plenty in there.
As you can imagine, we are rather looking forward to a drier climate!
I will have to pick people's brains as to what sort of plants to buy as the whole garden is pretty moist.
Any suggestions? Astilbe do well and I guess dahlias, but the roses die after a few years. Good old hardy geraniums survive but they would anywhere
6 Nov, 2009
Ligularia is a good moisture loving herbaceous perennial and , of course, there are lots of grasses(although not all) and Bamboos. The Dahlias would probably need to be lifted each Autumn after blackened by frosts as they would probably rot over winter in wet soil.
6 Nov, 2009
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Featured on: flood & rain damage
This photo is of species Pleioblastus variegatus, skimmia.
See who else has plants in genus Pleioblastus.
Your kidding! Were they alright? I was clearing and netting my pond last weekend, at about 5pm I decided to top it up for winter. At midnight I happened to go out into the garage and noticed it was flooded - aye- the hose was still on! OOPS. It was too dark too see or do anything so I spent most of the night worrying about the fish. Fortunately all was well next morning probably because the pond is on a slope!
3 Nov, 2009