Rachelsmum's Profile

About me
Retired recently - fairly large garden in semi urban area in Cardiff.
Nice views of playing fields behind, BUT when it rains these days, boy do we get a lot of water in the garden from aforementioned playing fields (as seen in the picture)
We are trying to turn the garden into low maintenance but you wouldnt know it. Lots of work in spring and autumn like everyone else. We have many bird visitors and we think a resident hedgehog.
We grow some hard and soft fruit and vegetables but not a huge amount. Ground is clay, with homegrown compost.
I have a small greenhouse for overwintering
My daughter Rachel is living with us again at the moment and is becoming interested in the garden, mainly as far as vegetables are concerned, also agaves and succulents.
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Joined in Oct 2009
Country: Wales
County: Cardiff