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By Doctorbob1

10 Nov, 2010
This lovely Hydrangea is still in full glory.
Comments on this photo
Wow Doctorbob1. I thought it would be a mum from the thumbnail, so many flowers!
10 Nov, 2010
11 Nov, 2010
I think that hydrangeas have been magnificent this year, DrB.
11 Nov, 2010
Thanks all, yes I agree David but we need to leave them alone till the end of April before dead heading etc.
11 Nov, 2010
Its beautiful! I have a hydrangea but i never get flowers on it? Maybe you could help me?
13 Jun, 2011
Pixi, I am sending you a Private message shortly, keep an eye open for it.
13 Jun, 2011
I have several hydrangeas, mulch them during the summer, are in semishade, do not cut them in the spring. But they usually have 3-5 flowers. Tell me your recipe how to make them bloom so richly as yours, please.
29 Dec, 2011
Katarina, as I don't know the area where you live the only way I can help you is to say it may be the PH of your soil, it needs to be alkaline, old mortar rubble will help in the ground around your Hydrangeas.
29 Dec, 2011
What is old mortar rubble? You mean like mortar rubble from old buildings??? It is rich in Ca, isnĀ“t it?
I would like to say, that my H. are planted in old apple grow, so it is rich in humus. I have H. panniculata, H. quercifolia, H. macrophylla and H. grandiflora, byt just H. macrophylla has problems to bloom.
30 Dec, 2011
Yes Katarina that's what old mortar rubble is, it will make your ground more alkaline. Is it possible to move your H macrophylla to another place, don't
feed it this year.
Hope that might help.
30 Dec, 2011
The problem is, that I moved H. macrophylla twice in 3 years, namely for the reason it did not bloom much. I always added a lot of turf into the nest, as I read that is what Hydrangeas need.
So does it mean, that H. macrophyla is not acidophilic hydrangea?
30 Dec, 2011
I have just sent a private message Katarina so have a look out for that.
1 Jan, 2012
Thank you very much :))))))
1 Jan, 2012
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Featured on: flowering shrubs hydrangeas
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It's gorgeous, great late colour :-)
10 Nov, 2010