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Peaches - Will be ready soon
By Dawnsaunt

19 Jul, 2011
May be in trouble with Amy for not thinning them out enough.
Comments on this photo
19 Jul, 2011
Absolutely wonderful....well done Dawn!
19 Jul, 2011
I still cannot believe we can grow peaches here - the south facing wall helps.
21 Jul, 2011
Oh, I can. My grandmother used to grow them in Rotherham in the 1960s. That was on a sheltered wall too!
21 Jul, 2011
How lovely, you will remember how juicy and delicious they are then Karen. Bought this tree from Lidl about 6 years ago not expecting the tree to even survive, let alone fruit, such a pleasant surprise.
21 Jul, 2011
I won't tell you off Dawn Lol... you want to get as many as you can , I'm envious I pruned mine to hard last year you are going to have a much better crop than me ... I'm thinking of putting another one in ,i've been going round looking for the right spot , they are so delicious Yummy :o)
25 Jul, 2011
Oh would you look at those, if you can grow them I must be able to here?
27 Jul, 2011
OH WOW!! Aldi will have fruit Collection, loads of berries on Thursday 4th, I will be there, they will have blueberry too all at £1.99 each :)))
29 Jul, 2011
Amy, probably the best they've been this year ever.
Dotty, get one. I am amazed the tree does so well when other plants have perished recent Winters.
Hi Michaella, thanks, I'll go to Lidl on Thurs, lots of fruit bushes, how exciting.
29 Jul, 2011
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19 Jul, 2011