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One of my favourite coloured petunia this year


By Nana_d

One of my favourite coloured petunia this year

It looks like thick velvet:)

Comments on this photo


It certainly does look like velvet

9 Aug, 2011


Beautiful colour! :-)

9 Aug, 2011


Such an unusual effect, beautiful.

9 Aug, 2011


Thanks Cinders, Plantaholic and Lil trouble is I bought so many petunias I cannot remember what name it was which is a shame

9 Aug, 2011


Love colour Nana D:

I have had some beautiful purple petunias, but alas they were in a mixed bulk purchase so no name for them.

The darker colours seem to have done better this year where the lavandar and paler colours have fades quickly.

16 Aug, 2011


Thanks Grannyb the deep purple, burgundy and red ones of mine definitely last longer. But I do love the pastel ones just keep on dead heading it's like having hundreds of little babies to feed, water and tend to lol!

16 Aug, 2011

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