Plantoholic's Profile

About me
Hi everyone, we moved to our current house around 23 years ago inheriting a garden which was a blank canvas apart from 3' high nettles and a large fig tree. We are sheltered from the north and east by a wood and part of our garden has a high south facing wall which (until this December) has enabled me to grow some more tender plants.
I grow a wide range of ornamental plants including shrubs, perennials,bulbs and many glasshouse plants, I have to many favourites to mention here but i especially enjoy growing new (to me) and unusual plants.
One of my passions used to be hybridizing pelargoniums but now I grow mainly the species which I find fascinating.
My main interests aside from gardening are nature, walking, especially near the sea and power kiting.
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Joined in Feb 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Norfolk