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Zantedeschia flowering.
By Homebird2

21 Jun, 2021
The Zantedeschia and the pond iris (Iris pseudacorus) have settled well in the new pond. I had to buy a couple of new Water Hawthorne (Aponogeton distachyos )because my original plants didn’t survive the winter in the greenhouse in a bucket of water. The fish have eaten one of the new plants totally and eaten the other down to the roots!! Expensive fish food. I potted up the poor remaining plant and put it behind the stones in the corner of the pond out of reach to give it a fighting chance. It’s strange that the fish never attempted to eat the original plants.
I balanced the old watering can under the pump because the water started making a pulsing sound that I didn’t like as it came out of the pump spout. T is going to sort it out for me soon. Probably a frog up the spout….it’s happened before!!
Comments on this photo
It looks absolutely lovely Homebird..
2 Aug, 2021
Thanks Lincs.
28 Aug, 2021
Photo 580 of 581
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
£139.95 at Ferndale Lodge
Thanks Klahanie.
22 Jun, 2021