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Gentians in flower


By Jbardet

Gentians in flower

Comments on this photo


Such pretty shades of blue :o)

5 May, 2010


Gentians have always been my most favourite flowers. Perhaps because years and years and years ago, I picked those in the mountains of Switzerland, of course soon afterwards it was prohibited to pick them, same with Alp Roses and the little cyclamans. Why oh why cant I keep them, they never last with me, what am I doing wrong???

5 May, 2010


The Gentiana verna, on the left is new but similar ones I have grown in the past have only lived & flowered for 3-4 years. The G. acaulis, I have had for about 10 years and this is about the second time it has flowered. Worth waiting for though! JB

5 May, 2010

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