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This is a gift from my friend Eileen (Irish)
By Janette
- 22 Aug, 2008
Dont the words on this ring true thanks Eileen I love it as well as the angel
Comments on this photo
Just a minute ..thats better something in my eyes then ...bless
22 Aug, 2008
Not a little tear was it Kev lol
22 Aug, 2008
Sniff ..nah course not sniffle sniff
22 Aug, 2008
u ok there kev lol
22 Aug, 2008
Eileen one minute im laughing the next somethings in my eyes my emotional roller coaster is all over the place tonight....
22 Aug, 2008
Not crying again is he lol
22 Aug, 2008
lol looks like it janette
22 Aug, 2008
Men what are they like lol
22 Aug, 2008
I must be half cut ..i can see two squirrels a pidgeon and three elephants on Goy..........aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhh
22 Aug, 2008
OMG i can see Benny from crossroads as well lmsao lol OMG...
22 Aug, 2008
think its his hormones janette lol
22 Aug, 2008
Thats it ladies im off for a walk around my Garden....back soon..xx
22 Aug, 2008
enjoy it kev
22 Aug, 2008
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your very welcome janette
22 Aug, 2008