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Cynara cardunculus (Cardoon)
By Spritzhenry

18 Aug, 2008
My clever husband got this shot!
Comments on this photo
Thats brill
18 Aug, 2008
Stunning photo
18 Aug, 2008
That is very nice
18 Aug, 2008
Excellent photo.
18 Aug, 2008
I'll tell him you liked it!
18 Aug, 2008
I have a baby one of these - it has been fun watching the big bud develop - like the plant in 'Little Shop of Horrors' ;-)
21 Aug, 2008
love this! Easy to grow?
26 Aug, 2008
Do they like being at the back of a sunny border near brick wall?
26 Aug, 2008
Errrr.... mine is in the sunniest border, but it is right in the middle and nowhere near a wall, Gwenda! It just... grows, I don't do anything except dead-head and cut the stem back when it's finished. It pops back up in the spring. That is of NO USE to you as advice, sorry!
27 Aug, 2008
i hate to state the obvious is that pink rather than blue ? lovley picture bye the way
6 Jul, 2009
The top part is a purple-y colour, Np.
Funnily enough, it hasn't grown nearly as tall this year. It's in bud at the moment.
6 Jul, 2009
will it grow blue like mine or is it a pink veriaty.mine is smaller than it has bean actualy
6 Jul, 2009
No, it's always purple, Np. Funny they are both smaller, though!
6 Jul, 2009
yes you got any spare seeds ill swap you lol
6 Jul, 2009
I'll have to remember not to chop its head off, then! lol.
6 Jul, 2009
me to how long do i leave it.till it starts falling apart and how do i get the seeds ready ? i dont want a lot do i spritz lol ?
6 Jul, 2009
I haven't a clue, as I've always dead-headed it so that new flowers appear in the side-shoots. Then when they die off, I chop them off to tidy the plant up!
6 Jul, 2009
ok know worries spritz lol
7 Jul, 2009
Sheringham The Lees gardens has several of these
people have picked the heads in the belief they are Artichokes.
21 Aug, 2011
Well, in a way, they are! They're closely related, and the leafribs and stalks are edible.
21 Aug, 2011
My faverite flower .
24 Aug, 2011
It's in flower at the moment, Np. I haven't taken its photo this year.
24 Aug, 2011
Mine have just finished .
25 Aug, 2011
Mine have several more buds, but with no sun, they might not open. :-(
26 Aug, 2011
Mine are finkshed now .
26 Aug, 2011
Shame. :-(
26 Aug, 2011
Yes it is but you cant have life without death realy . bring on next summer i say . BbbbbbbbAaaaaaaaaaaa humbug lol x .
27 Aug, 2011
Oh, me too - this summer has been a waste of time. We've has grey skies and very little sunshine here.
27 Aug, 2011
That must mean a lovley summwr next year spritz lol x .
30 Aug, 2011
Wouldn't that be great! :-D)
31 Aug, 2011
will be great spritz be posotive lol x .
31 Aug, 2011
OK. ;-D
1 Sep, 2011
Photo 6 of 576
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brilliant photo
18 Aug, 2008