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Raised Veg Bed
- 26 May, 2009
I had to nip the tops off my broad beans as the dreaded black aphids started their invasion. I picked sprigs of Rosemary and tied them gently to the tops to see if it helps keep them away, not a conventional method but I will try anything that comes to mind without using chemicals. I was hoping the garlic planted nearby would also keep them away. Horrid stubborn pests.
Comments on this photo
I will try that thanks, I read that some companion planting helps against pests and I like herbs/flowers mixed with veg. I will try the squeegy bottle too :-) thanks
28 May, 2009
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Have you tried washing up liquid in a spray bottle? diluted i mean, apparently it stops them being able to breathe. works for the green ones too.
28 May, 2009