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By Mrv

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum (Coriander))

Comments on this photo


Nothing makes a scruffier but delicious and scented mess than Coriander.

Ooooh, can't wait for a few toms to ripen, chop them up sprinkle with Coriander leaves, lemon juice, Salt & Pepper - tomato salad. Yum

10 Jul, 2010


that sounds a nice ting to make, will give that a go, thanks

10 Jul, 2010


Thank you :) Just a thought, if you put in some finely sliced red onion and peel a de-seed the toms ... it's lovely with popadoms ;)

Sadly though, we only have one tom close to being ripe!

Thanks again

10 Jul, 2010


another good idea, thank you, we have plenty of tomatoes but all green at the moment

10 Jul, 2010


I'll have to give you our recipe for fried green tomatoes! Ha ha

10 Jul, 2010


o.k. I'm game. ha ha

10 Jul, 2010


lol ...

well, slice the toms about quarter inch thick and leave to one side.

Season some flour on a plate with anything you fancy (put plenty in though), herbs, salt, pepper that sort of thing - stuff that will bring out the flavour of the tomato.

In another bowl, beat an egg.

Coat the tomato slices with the seasoned flour, dip in the beaten egg and let it run off before dipping it in the flour again.

Once you've coated them all - shallow fry in veg/sunflower oil about half inch deep turning once as each side turns golden brown.

Lay them out on a paper towel to get the excess oil off ... sprinkle with a little more salt. You can eat them straight away - or, pack them in a plastic container with a piece of kitchen paper between each layer. They are one of those things that taste better the day after having been in the fridge.

You can do a similar thing with any oversize courgettes ... Aubergine you can do it with too ... just slice thinner, get the bitterness out with salt and rinse off and dab dry ... make the flour seasoning, but use salt, pepper PLENTY of ground cumin and a whack of smoked paprika (you can add chilli powder if you want some kick). Lovely with humous spread on served with tomato and coriander salad on the side. Has a real middle eastern feel to it.


10 Jul, 2010


sounds good. thank you

10 Jul, 2010


Thank you for asking :)

12 Jul, 2010


we are going to try out what you have said,

12 Jul, 2010


Going to try this, thanks:-)

12 Sep, 2010

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