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Rosa 'New Dawn'
By Spritzhenry
- 21 May, 2008
After the Clematis montanas on the front of the house have finished, come two climbing roses - a red and a pink. The pink one is 'New Dawn' and it has just started flowering!
Comments on this photo
Stuning Rose :O
21 May, 2008
The rose I have called New Dawn is paler than this. It has a lovely scent and it climbes. Maybe it was wrongly labelled when I bought it, but the pictures of New Dawn that I've seen in books all look pale pink. You didn't say if the other one is a climber.
27 May, 2008
No, the other one is a very tall Standard. If the climber (this one) is not 'New Dawn', then it is now called 'Anonymous' lol! I still like it, though!
27 May, 2008
They are both beautiful whatever they're called. When I get my new camera I'll take a picture of my New Dawn and we can compare them. I often find wrongly labelled plants.
27 May, 2008
Yes - or no. I can't climb ladders, so I persuade helpful husband to do it.
16 Dec, 2008
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This photo is of species Rosa 'Albertine'.
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