Mcmneil's Profile

About me
I've been interested in gardening ever since I've owned a house.Originally I concentrated on vegetables but nowadays I garden with wildlife in mind.It has paid dividends with over 20 species of butterfly being recorded in a good year,not to mention myriad moths,hoverflies and bees etc.It positively teems with insect life in the summer which in turn attracts the bats in the late evening.What a show they put on,never ceasing to amaze me.The perfect end to a day in the garden.My favourite plants are the hardy geraniums of which I usually have around 100 varieties,I just can't resist them.They obviously bring out the collecting gene in me.I really feel that I have found my ideal spot and intend to stay here forever.This garden is in my soul and my soul is in my garden.
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Joined in Apr 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Somerset