The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Genus: Hosta

We are a community of garden lovers. On this page you will find:

  1. Where to buy Hosta plants & price comparison.
  2. Care tips & advice from our members.
  3. Photos of Hosta plants in real gardens.

This popular genus of about 70 different species can be found adding luxurious foliage and spears of delicately coloured flowers to many gardens in the UK.

The plants range in size from the tiny to the giant leaved and come in every combination of lime green, blue-green, cream and deep green.

Hostas are fully hardy and love the shade and damp but these are adaptable plants that will find happiness in the sun…even in drought.

Slugs and snails are the biggest enemies to hostas but there are a variety of methods out there to keep these slimy pests at bay!

Hosta to buy

Clicking on any of these plants will give you more information, you only leave this website if you decide to buy. You can see all the Hosta plants for sale in our garden centre which lists products from over 25 popular websites.

We have 451 photos of Hosta plants in real gardens

These photos are from real gardens by real gardeners! Just click on one to start exploring.

You can also discover who's growing Hosta.

  • Hosta 'Fire and Ice' (Hosta)
    By spritzhe..
  • Hosta bed (Hosta selection.)
    By Dottydai..
  • HOSTA JUNE. (Hosta June.)
    By Dottydai..
  • Hosta Bressingham Blue (Hosta Bressingham Blue)
    By drc726


Care tips & Questions

This advice is from our members, if you can't find what you're looking for please ask your question of our friendly community.

Re-potting Hosta

4 replies


1 Aug, 2008

snails on hostas

9 replies


30 Apr, 2008

Species of Hosta