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My Huge Jacaranda and African Tulip Tree Flowering
By Delonix1

26 May, 2014
1 like
The large Jacaranda tree in the front yard and the African tulip tree are in full bloom. The Jacaranda tree is 50' (16m) and the African Tulip tree is around 12' (4 m) tall (it's still a baby). Photo taken May 25, 2014.
Comments on this photo
Yes, I like them blooming together.
The Tipu (Tipuana tipu); Jacaranda; African Tulip trees and many Plumerias are all in full bloom right now.
27 May, 2014
Lovely. I know that African Tulip will be blooming in Mexico when we get there in November but Jacarandas not until end of February and March.
27 May, 2014
African Tulip trees are very strange. They all seem to be on their own schedules here. I've seen some trees in full bloom every month of the year. Even two trees right next to each other, one may be in full bloom and the other may be semi-deciduous and semi-dormant. The majority of the trees are in full bloom from early spring to December (mostly trees along the coast are in full bloom in late summer - December or even January).
27 May, 2014
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See who else is growing Jacaranda mimosifolia - Jacaranda Tree; Spathodea campanulata -African Tulip Tree.
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9 Aug, 2009
They look great together like this.
26 May, 2014