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Philodendron bipinnatifidum - Tree Philodendron, Cut-leaf Philodendron
By Delonix1
- 3 Feb, 2011
This Philodendron is the most widely planted tree-type Philodendron in California. It's hardy and grows quickly and easily to 15ft/4.5m - 20ft/6.1m tall. Photo taken by a church a couple blocks from my house on Jan. 29, 2011.
Comments on this photo
Dogs! What are you going to do with them? lol! :>)
My Puccini dog doesn't get into my plants...however, he gets into everything else...and he's 11 years old. :>)
3 Feb, 2011
My dog thinks little plant cuttings are his toys!!! At least he know one section of the garden is off limits...but he's been testing me I just tie his up for a little when he's being naughty.
Oh boy....holes in your shoes???
3 Feb, 2011
No, my dog doesn't chew, thank God! He just seems to get into a lot things he shouldn't. lol!
3 Feb, 2011
Do you leave him on his own when you go to work??? I use to own a Maltese when I lived in NY (just right for an apt). I use to leave him in my kitchen just to be safe. I'm really allergic to animal fur for years now so the only animals I can own are ones that live outdoors or fish.
3 Feb, 2011
My dog is left in the kitchen. He's a silky-poo, only 13lbs. He's a hypoallergenic dog...which has hair not fur, and doesn't shed. He can't be left outside...or he'll be coyote food. In San Diego County we have a huge coyote problem...even in urban areas. They eat or kill all the feral cats or small dogs.
3 Feb, 2011
Nice one lovely leaves, what are the plants at the side of it.
3 Feb, 2011
They're big clumps of Bird-of-Paradise (Strelitzia reginae).
4 Feb, 2011
Ahr wondered if it was those, they look lovely too.
4 Feb, 2011
4 Feb, 2011
Thank you Andy for the id
4 Feb, 2011
You're welcome.
5 Feb, 2011
Photo 5 of 61
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That is about the size of my Philodendron at the moment. Had to cut off the bottom leaves..the dog shred them.
3 Feb, 2011