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Young Chinadoll tree.
By Stan510

22 Apr, 2018
They get to be large tree's here eventually if you let them. Most seem to get pruned back. Anyway's saw this one that had a particularly nice layered look to it.
Comments on this photo
Lighting wasn't best. But,I was there and it give people the overl look.
These Penny when they flower? The blooms resemble Brugmansia/Datura's. Scented also.
24 Apr, 2018
Wow that wonderful Stan just looked them up.
24 Apr, 2018
For such a tropical tree, it sure grows very well up there. I know where there's many large china doll trees in the SF Bay Area. I know they grow very large there, too. I know where there used to be one that was almost 50' (15 m) tall in San Lorenzo off the 880 Freeway. I think it was cut down, though.
I love the fragrant flowers on this tree, also.
26 Apr, 2018
There is one in Hayward over 40' with a real tree trunk girth to go with it. I posted that on Dave's Garden a few years ago.
I should do a update for GOY.
26 Apr, 2018
I've seen many large ones growing in the Bay Area with big trunks. They tend to have pretty large trunks. The largest one I've ever seen was growing in Hilo, HI. I estimated it to be around 80 ft tall.
26 Apr, 2018
My that is big but its nice to see trees with large trunks it makes them old lol.
26 Apr, 2018
They grow really well and large in coastal California; however, in the wet tropics it becomes a monster! :>))
28 Apr, 2018
So it loves the moister I am surprised it grows so well with the salt in the sea air
28 Apr, 2018
It loves moisture. It's surprising this tropical tree grows so well here.
29 Apr, 2018
Yes it is with the dry heat but if its by the coast it would get its moisture from the ocean.
29 Apr, 2018
It tolerates dry air very well. It loves heat and sun, also.
1 May, 2018
Ahrr right thank you for that.
1 May, 2018
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It does have lovely layers nice one Stan.
23 Apr, 2018