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Soldanella carpatica x pusilla
By Pcw

12 Apr, 2015
Comments on this photo
Its gorgeous, mines survived just but no flowers :-( every time it gets a few leaves something nibbles it grrr.
12 Apr, 2015
I had a couple of others which did great and then for no apparent reason,turned it in.Slugs and snails love these.
12 Apr, 2015
Have you lost the white one ?I hand pollinated it not sure if it is large enough to divide.
14 Apr, 2015
Yes unfortunately.Don't know why as I ever treated them any different to normal.
14 Apr, 2015
Will look into it as the year goes on and see if a division is possible
14 Apr, 2015
Having heard of the slug problem I kept mine in its pot and it is flowering beautifully. Should I divide it if it is big enough.
14 Apr, 2015
They can be divided,but if it's looking good,I would leave it.
14 Apr, 2015
I will do. Thank you.
15 Apr, 2015
SG.Perth show on Saturday for your one?
15 Apr, 2015
No Pcw, I think I will give that a miss this year. We would need to leave home at 7.30 am at the latest and not be able to retrieve the plants on the benches until after 4pm. OH and I will enjoy the show but we will not be leaving home until after 10am. We will not make it at all if the scaffolders arrive to put up the scaffolding. The contractors have been in touch and we hope the start date for the work will be Monday. We are crossing our fingers and toes that we can have some of the good weather you are having down south. I won a pretty little saxifrage at the SRGC meeting last evening. No name on it but it is pretty. I took it inside tonight to take a photo which I will post.
15 Apr, 2015
Photo 9 of 21
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this is very pretty. I don't think mine has survived :o(
12 Apr, 2015